

Biography, photos, selected press, and more. Contact John directly if you need anything else.

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Eric Ryan Anderson

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Noam Niv

Photo by Anna Powell Denton

Photo by Noam Niv


Long Form Interviews

From 2012-2016, Minneapolis-based journalist Pamela Espeland and I met regularly for a series of long-form interviews. These conversations offer unique snapshots into this phase of my career, as we discussed everything from music, to personal life lessons, my faith, upbringing, disappointments I've had as an emerging artist, the music business, reflections on fatherhood and more.

Pamela Espeland passed away in the Fall of 2021. While there are many writers who I've gotten to know over the years, there will only ever be one Pamela. What a gift she was to me and the entire arts community. We will miss her dearly and think of her often.

October 2021 Pamela Espeland Memorial
January 2016
 “John Raymond talks about Real Feels, lessons learned from Billy Hart, and being a new dad"
July 2015  “Jazz trumpeter John Raymond brings ‘Foreign Territory’ home to Minnesota”
September 2014  “John Raymond talks about intensity, disappointment, and his new Roots Trio"
March 2012  “John Raymond talks about his music, his faith and his new CD”